Bambini nel Deserto . 12/07/2024 . Reading time: 2 minutes

Among the numerous myths and prejudices that spread in our society, one of the most significant regarding the phenomenon of migration is the notion that migrants are hosted in luxury hotels with four or more stars. This distorted perception fuels an inaccurate and unjust narrative that needs to be debunked.

For this reason, the image created by Diego Fontana with the help of artificial intelligence in the communication campaign “The truth always migrates outside prejudice” aims to unmask this falsehood. The intent is to highlight how prejudices can distort the reality of facts and the experiences of migrants.

Today’s content is particularly useful for discussing some common perceptual errors. The first, and most widespread, is the difficulty many people have in imagining the atrocities, pain, and despair that many migrants face during their journey to reach other nations. Often, both in real and digital conversations, migration is minimized, made aseptic, and reduced to a mere numerical phenomenon. This process of dehumanization strips migration of its human component, transforming personal stories of suffering into simple manipulable data. At Bambini nel Deserto, who are well aware of the places people are forced to leave, we want to reiterate that migration is far from a vacation; behind each individual lies a story, often of great pain and sacrifice.

The second prejudice about migration is perhaps less obvious but equally pernicious: a part of Italian politics tends to predominantly depict the migrant as a male adult (and therefore potentially dangerous), marginalizing the reality of unaccompanied minors. This distorted view not only ignores the significant presence of children among migrants but also perpetuates harmful stereotypes. In reality, unaccompanied minors, along with women, represent the most vulnerable segment of the migrant population. Often, these children and teenagers face enormous difficulties and dangers on their journey, without the support and help of an adult. Recognizing their existence and needs is essential for a more comprehensive and humane understanding of the migration phenomenon.

In summary, through this campaign, Bambini nel Deserto aims to raise public awareness about the real faces and true stories behind migrations, combating prejudices and promoting a more empathetic and informed vision.

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