International Day of Cooperatives: A Moment of Celebration and Reflection

Luca Iotti . 06/07/2024 . Reading time: 3 minutes

Today, July 6th, we celebrate the International Day of Cooperatives, an occasion that holds particularly deep meaning for us at Bambini nel Deserto. For twenty years, our organization has been committed to promoting and supporting cooperatives, particularly women’s cooperatives, through microcredit. This day provides us with the opportunity to reflect on the progress made and share with you the extraordinary stories of women who have transformed their lives and communities through these initiatives.

A 20-year journey Our journey began almost by chance, when a group of women in Burkina Faso asked us for a loan to purchase an ox, a plow, and seeds. Their dream was simple: to start a peanut production on a sunny plot of land lent to them by a visionary village chief. That first step, born from a concrete need and a desire for economic independence, gave birth to our first cooperative. From that moment on, we never stopped. In these twenty years, we have supported the creation of over 50 cooperatives in various sectors: from trade to catering, from finished product manufacturing to agriculture and livestock farming. Our initiatives have expanded to four countries in the Sahel: Burkina Faso, Mali, Niger, and Senegal. In each of these countries, cooperatives have represented an opportunity for redemption and growth for hundreds of women and their families.

The magic of Microcredit Microcredit is the beating heart of our approach. Once a cooperative repays a loan, the funds are reinvested to finance a new initiative. This virtuous cycle, which has been ongoing for years, has proven its effectiveness with a repayment rate of 96%. It is this mutual trust and commitment that has made the realization of so many projects possible. The success stories are numerous and all unique. Like that of Aïcha, who, with our support, was able to start a small weaving business near Bandjagara in Mali, now a source of income for ten families. Or that of Mariam, who in Niger turned her passion for cooking into a successful restaurant, employing other young women in her community in Agadez.

Looking to the future The International Day of Cooperatives is an occasion for us to celebrate, but also to renew our commitment. Our goal is to continue supporting the creation of new cooperatives, offering development opportunities and improved living conditions to more women and communities in the Sahel. We invite everyone to join us in this mission, to celebrate the achievements with us, and to look to the future with hope and determination. Because together, through solidarity and cooperation, we can truly make a difference. To support the projects and contribute to the creation of new cooperatives, you can make a donation to the following IBAN: IT55U0306909606100000188874 with the Reason: Microcredits in Africa. Together, we can continue to write stories of success and hope, transforming the lives of many women and their communities. Thank you for your support and for believing in the power of cooperation.

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