Bambini nel Deserto . 02/08/2024 . Reading time: 3 minutes

This image, created with the help of artificial intelligence, is also part of the powerful campaign to raise awareness against stereotypes on migration. Designed by Diego Fontana, from IED Florence, for Bambini nel Deserto, this visual representation immediately captures our attention and evokes mixed emotions.
But let’s stop and think for a moment: what is the real purpose of this seemingly idyllic image?
The campaign, entitled “Truth always migrates outside of prejudice”, cleverly uses artificial intelligence to create an image that challenges our perceptions. The aim is clear: to show us how easily we can be fooled by artificial representations of reality, especially when it comes to complex issues such as migration. This idyllic scene, where a dream seems to come true in a hostile environment, exists only in the digital realm. In reality, the situation of migrants, and in particular of migrant children, is far from this romanticized representation.

The use of AI in this campaign invites us to critically reflect on how we perceive and interpret visual and narrative information related to migration. We, who know first-hand the realities that many are forced to flee, invite the public not to be seduced by simplified narratives or sweetened images that can distort the understanding of complex phenomena.
The real strength of this artificial image, created for the campaign, lies in its contrast with reality. In real life, a child in the desert would not be dancing carefree, but probably struggling to survive. Migrants, especially the youngest, face real dangers, hardships and traumas on their journey towards a better life.
The image created by AI, in its surreal beauty, pushes us to seek the truth beyond appearances, a key objective of our mission.
This exercise of creation and interpretation, the result of the collaboration between Diego Fontana and BnD, aims to lead the public to go beyond the surface, to seek the real stories and authentic experiences of migrants, remembering that behind every statistic there is a human being with hopes, fears and dreams, but also with concrete and often painful challenges to face.
Artificial intelligence, in this innovative campaign, becomes a tool to unmask our prejudices and unrealistic expectations. It shows us how we might be tempted to believe in a comforting narrative – that of a dream that magically comes true even in the most adverse circumstances – rather than confronting the harsh reality of migration, a reality that Bambini nel Deserto knows and faces daily in its fieldwork.
In conclusion, this artificial image of a little girl dancing in the desert is not a celebration of human resilience or the realization of dreams. It is a warning, an invitation to look beyond appearances, to seek the truth behind the images we consume daily. It challenges us to inform ourselves, to understand the real stories of migrants, to recognize the complexity of their experiences without falling into the trap of simplistic or unrealistic narratives.
Only by facing the truth, however uncomfortable it may be, can we hope to build a more humane and just approach towards those who leave everything in search of a better life.
This is the challenge that the campaign “Truth always migrates outside prejudice” wants to promote: to see beyond the deception of the image and act with empathy and awareness.

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