Literacy: The Foundation of Global Development

Bambini nel Deserto . 08/09/2024 . Reading time: 3 minutes

Today we celebrate International Literacy Day, a crucial occasion to reflect on the importance of a fundamental human right often taken for granted: the ability to read and write. Literacy is the key that opens the doors to knowledge, personal and community development, and above all, to a better future.
It’s not just the ability to interpret words, but also a means to combat poverty, improve health, and promote peace and justice in every corner of the planet.
Globally, millions of people, particularly women and children, are still excluded from this fundamental right. This deficit represents an enormous obstacle to economic and social development. Societies with high literacy rates enjoy greater opportunities, increased political participation, and better social cohesion. Conversely, in contexts where illiteracy is widespread, limited economic growth, reduced access to health services, and a higher risk of social exclusion are observed.
Literacy, moreover, plays an essential role in promoting gender equality and improving living conditions. In communities where education is accessible, women have greater opportunities to emancipate themselves, contribute to the family economy, and break the cycle of intergenerational poverty. But achieving universal education requires commitment, resources, and strong political will.

Echoes of Atlas II: A Bridge of Hope Through Education
In this regard, there are only fifteen days left until the start of our “Echoes of Atlas II” mission, which coincides with the reopening of schools in the isolated mountain communities of Morocco. Here, the return to education is not at all simple. The earthquake that devastated the region a year ago has left deep marks, not only in villages and homes but especially in the lives of children. Many families are struggling even to find the most basic school supplies.
A year after that tragic shock, we will set off again with our expedition.
The goal? To bring not only notebooks, pens, and pencils, but also concrete hope to the children of the Atlas Mountains. This mission goes beyond the simple distribution of supplies: it’s an attempt to rebuild dreams and possibilities, to restore access to the precious asset of education to the little ones affected by the tragedy.
Thanks to the fundraising launched for this mission, we aim to involve as many people as possible, so as to purchase school supplies directly in Morocco, while contributing to support the local economy, severely affected by the earthquake.
With “Echoes of Atlas II”, we want to give children the tools to look ahead, overcome trauma, and build a future, despite everything. Every pen, every notebook we deliver will be a symbol of rebirth and hope.
In an increasingly interconnected world, every act of solidarity has an echo that propagates far beyond the Atlas Mountains. Anyone wishing to contribute can do so directly through our website or by making a donation to the IBAN of Bambini nel Deserto: CH65 8080 8007 2724 6374 2.
Donations are tax-deductible (you will receive a receipt, for this reason if you donate via bank transfer we ask you to write to us to have your email address and domicile), and every small gesture will make a difference, transforming into a piece of the future for these children.

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