Bambini nel Deserto Niger: team and goals

Bambini nel Deserto . 19/09/2024 . Reading time: 5 minutes

Bambini nel Deserto Niger (BnD Niger) is a new humanitarian organization based in Agadez, founded a few months ago as part of the global alliance of Bambini nel Deserto, an international network of NGOs engaged in International Cooperation and Humanitarian Emergencies. With operational offices in Italy, Switzerland, Niger and Ukraine, the alliance is united by a common mission: to improve the living conditions of children and vulnerable communities through concrete and sustainable projects.
Bambini nel Deserto Niger works to address some of the most urgent challenges affecting the Agadez region and surrounding areas, focusing on 6 key sectors:
School construction and education: The construction of new schools and the renovation of existing ones is a priority to ensure adequate access to education for children in rural and urban areas. The goal is to create safe and equipped spaces to promote learning and reduce the illiteracy rate.
Improved nutrition: In a context where malnutrition is a daily threat, BnD Niger works to improve the nutrition of communities, introducing food security programs, promoting sustainable agriculture and implementing community and school gardens.
Fight against desertification: Desertification is one of the most serious environmental problems affecting Niger. The organization is involved in reforestation projects and raising awareness on the sustainable management of natural resources, to protect the soil and reduce the impact of erosion.
Access to drinking water: One of the most critical challenges for local communities is access to safe water resources. BnD Niger works to build wells and drinking water distribution systems, helping to improve health and reduce the spread of diseases related to contaminated water.
Improved sanitation: The organization promotes the construction of latrines, sustainable waste management and sanitation education in schools and communities to prevent diseases, thus improving the overall well-being of the population. A global network, a local approach: Children in the Desert Niger benefits from the support and experience of the global alliance, which combines expertise and resources from different international contexts, but adopts a local approach in each intervention. Each project is designed in collaboration with the beneficiary communities to ensure solutions adapted to the specific needs of the territory and its cultural, economic and environmental peculiarities.
In line with the philosophy of the Bambini nel Deserto alliance, the Niger organization is committed to working in close collaboration with local institutions, international partners, government bodies and other humanitarian organizations present in the territory. This collaborative approach allows us to strengthen the impact of our initiatives and promote inclusive and sustainable development.
Bambini nel Deserto Niger is committed to building a better future for the most vulnerable communities in the Agadez region, addressing the challenges of education, food security, desertification, drinking water and sanitation. Thanks to the strength of the global alliance and local roots, the organization works with the aim of concretely improving the lives of children and their families, contributing to the construction of a more just and sustainable world.

The members of Bambini nel Deserto Niger

MUSSA YAHJA President / Coordinator currently lives in Trento. He has been collaborating with BnD Italia for several years and thanks to him BnD Niger came to life; you can find his story in the project “Aman Iman l’acqua è vita: il pozzo di Acarara”.

AMADOU ISSOUFOU BACHIR. He has computer skills and a degree in Civil Engineering with extensive experience in the world of building and construction. As he tells us, his goal, through this association, is to promote beneficial activities for the professional growth of young people, allowing them to obtain a better future and above all, as far as he is concerned, to continue learning and growing thanks to the relationships that will mature with the different communities and local organizations.

HASSANE MOUSSA MANRAN SAMI. He has a degree in Civil Engineering. He has computer skills, he has worked in the construction/hydraulic sector in various municipalities, digging wells and drilling for the development of agriculture and livestock farming. He tells us that his commitment will be to make his time and skills available to work rigorously on the projects that the association will be able to develop.

ABDOU INOUSSA ABDOUL AZIZ. Graduated in civil engineering, he is a trainer in the field of communication with experience in methodologies to facilitate community involvement, promote participatory community democracy. Committed to the fight against gender violence and promotion of peace.

NANA LATIFA IBRAHIM . She is studying agronomic sciences. She also intends to put her knowledge and time into making sure that the association can succeed in all its projects.

ADAM YAHAYA, historical reference figure for the Project “Aman Iman, a well in Acarara”. He was present even before the association was born and has followed the project since the first blows of the pickaxe. He still represents a reliable point of reference for the commitment and dedication he has always shown.

AICHATOU SAMI SOULEYMANE, the other female presence of the association. She is a counter agent. For her too, it will be a priority to work with quality and commitment to achieve the objectives of the association.

ALHOUSSEÏNI INDAKÉ MOUSSA, a graduate in civil engineering, with experience in school construction, water supply and IT skills.

IBRAHIM ADAMOU MAMAN KABIROU, graduated in Environmental Health and Transport and Logistics, trained and with professional experience in the field of Environmental Assessment of Policies and Projects, Sustainable Development, health logistics and animation of rural areas.

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