Burkina Faso

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Schooling for Children in Africa: A Future to Build

12/09/2024, Bambini nel Deserto

Schooling is one of the fundamental pillars for the development of a society. However, in many African countries, access to education for children remains a complex challenge. Bambini nel Deserto works daily to improve the living conditions of millions of children in Africa, addressing the difficulties related to access to education and promoting change. Africa […]

Niger: River of Life and Challenges in the Heart of the Sahel

03/08/2024, Bambini nel Deserto

The Niger River, lifeblood for millions of people in West Africa, flows through a region fraught with challenges. In Mali and Niger, two Sahelian countries grappling with jihadist threats and harsh weather, the river remains a constant source of sustenance and hope.The once-thriving ecosystem of the Inner Niger Delta, an area comparable in size to […]

Book donation in Burkina Faso: Moguéya school celebrates

25/07/2024, Bambini nel Deserto

In Moguéya, in a period marked by deep difficulty for Burkina Faso, a small and at the same time great gesture of solidarity is an opportunity to celebrate.

Second delivery of food supplies to Nagreongo

22/07/2024, Bambini nel Deserto

The S.O.S. Refugees Project in Burkina Faso, funded by the Tavolo 8×1000 of the Waldensian Church, continues to help Burkinabè refugees, victims of terrorism. Burkina Faso is one of the countries with the highest number of internally displaced persons due to terrorism. The country faces severe radicalization from various groups, leading to increased attacks by […]