Ecole des Etoiles

Goal15.000,00 CHF

Archieved0,00 CHF

0,00%of our goal

0 donations



The Ecoile des Etoiles project is the most recent primary school established in the desert of Niger. 

The initiative came about thanks to a recommendation by Mussa Yahja, a Tuareg who, after a series of challenges, now lives in Trentino after moving from the Sahara Desert.

The structure was built by the NGO AFAA in Agadez, which has been collaborating with us for over 15 years. Currently, the school consists of a single classroom that accommodates children of various ages, as the local authorities were able to send only one teacher.

The funds for building this school were raised online through the audience of Adrian Fartade, a well-known science communicator in the fields of astronomy and space exploration. 

Thanks to this project, the Bambini nel Deserto Association was established in Agadez, Niger, between the end of 2023 and the beginning of 2024.

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