About us

Bambini nel Deserto (BnD) is an Association founded in Switzerland on June 2023 as Bambini nel Deserto ETSspin-off.

Sharing goals and projects with the NGO from which we were born, we dedicate ourselves with passion and professionalism to improving the living conditions of children and their communities in the most difficult contexts; wherever there is a desert; be it sand, stone, or opportunity.

Part of a robust alliance of humanitarian organizations, Children in the Desert coordinates its activities with affiliated facilities in Italy, Niger, and Ukraine.
These independent organizations are linked, not only by name, but also by a common mission and a shared modus operandi, focused on effective interventions in all sectors of International Cooperation and Humanitarian Emergencies.

Together, they are committed to providing concrete, tangible and long-term solutions in humanitarian crises and in the sustainable development of the most vulnerable communities.
The organizations that are part of the alliance operate according to principles of political neutrality and religious independence; this ensures that initiatives are guided solely by real needs and respect for universal human rights.

The economic support of the activities comes from various sources, including private citizens, national and international bodies, large and small companies, selected on the basis of their corporate social responsibility and which abstain from producing armaments as well as being actively engaged in respecting the rights of its workers.

Supporting Bambini nel Deserto means building together a future in which every child can grow up in a safe, educational and sustainable environment.
Join us to make a difference in the lives of children in the world’s deserts, whether real or metaphorical.

  • Italy flag


    The beginnings

    Bambini nel Deserto Association is founded in Modena

  • Italy flag


    BnD Trentino

    Bambini nel Deserto Association is founded in Trentino Alto Adige

  • Switzerland flag


    BnD Switzerland

    Bambini nel Deserto Association is born, based in Grono

  • Ukraine flag


    BnD Ukraine

    Bambini nel Deserto Volunteer Association is born, based in Červonohrad

  • Niger flag


    BnD Niger

    Bambini nel Deserto Niger was born, based in the Tadrart neighborhood of Agadez

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